What It Takes to Build a Website

Jan CarterUncategorized Leave a Comment

It takes a lot of thought, work, and follow up…There are a couple of very good reasons to want to have a website: The number one reason is that it’s the best and least expensive place to sell your products and services without having to rent a brick and mortar store front. The second reason is that it’s a great …

How to Show “My Computer” Icon on Your Windows 10 Desktop

Jan CarterUncategorized Leave a Comment

If you’ve been using Windows for a long time… …you’ll probably remember that until Windows 10, the desktop contained a few default icons for quick access to the computer, user documents, network, recycle garbage, and control panel. Now you may only see an icon for the Recycle Bin. While there are a few other ways to open the “My Computer” …

Pranks Destroy Scam Callers-Glitter Bomb Payback

Jan CarterScams, Uncategorized Leave a Comment

This is Priceless! Just a quick note: This all started because this guy, Mark, had a package stolen off his front porch.

Have you seen this Congratulations email from T-Mobile?

Jan CarterScams, Uncategorized Leave a Comment

carterscorner400, YOU WON! Yeah, I was pretty excited. Since I’m a T-Mobile customer and I recognized the logo, I thought it was legit. But yeah…then I looked at the sender’s email address at the top: admin@tobaga.anslant.com Say what? Yeah, nothing about T-Mobile in there!So then I did an internet search on T-Mobile scams. Yep, you guessed it. This is the …

How to know when an email is a scam.

Jan CarterScams, Uncategorized Leave a Comment

I don’t know about you but I get a ton of emails every day most of which are from senders I’ve never heard of. Occassionally I see a familiar name in their, like a friend. And occasionally I see one from a company with whom I do business, like Amazon. Or Journey’s, or even my bank. Don’t you just love …