
Schedule PC Training with Jan

Personal Computer trainig with Jan Carter

If self-paced online line learning is not the best way for you to learn, or if you have a project with which you need some custom assistance, I'm more than happy to schedule a personal, one-on-one, Zoom session with you.

Please fill out the form below and be sure to include as many details as possible regarding your training needs.

    One-on-One Rates

    1. The rate for 1-on-1 Live (via Zoom) training sessions is $40 an hour with a 1-hour minimum.

    2. After the first hour, billing is calculated in 15-minute increments, rounding up to the next highest 15 minute mark.

    3. Payments can be made via Paypal using the "1-on-1 Zoom Training" product listing in this site's store. Payments can be made after Jan has confirmed your training date and time.

    4. One-on-One training dates and times are: Monday through Friday, 11am and 3pm.

      If you need to work outside these standard days and times, specify that in the message window and let's see what we can work out.
