Have you seen this Congratulations email from T-Mobile?

Jan CarterScams, Uncategorized Leave a Comment

carterscorner400, YOU WON!

Yeah, I was pretty excited. Since I'm a T-Mobile customer and I recognized the logo, I thought it was legit. But yeah...then I looked at the sender's email address at the top:


Say what?

Yeah, nothing about T-Mobile in there!

T-Mobile scam email

So then I did an internet search on T-Mobile scams. Yep, you guessed it.

This is the type of scam where they get you all excited so you'll choose one of their "prizes" and then ask you to pay for shipping.

In doing so, you will give them your credit card info includeding the security code, your address and probably your phone number.

This is called a "Pfishing" scam.

They are fishing for your information so they can use it one day. How fun for them. Not so much for you.

Click to learn more about this kind of scam.

Delete this type of email immediately!

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