The Apple Email Scam That Amost Got Me!

Jan CarterScams Leave a Comment

Don’t Tap the Download Button!I received the following email today that appears to be a receipt for something I just bought from the Apple App Store. However, there were two things gave me a clue that this was a scam: First: I haven’t been on the App Store in weeks. Second: There was a button to download something. I’ve never …

Pranks Destroy Scam Callers-Glitter Bomb Payback

Jan CarterScams, Uncategorized Leave a Comment

This is Priceless! Just a quick note: This all started because this guy, Mark, had a package stolen off his front porch.

Have you seen this Congratulations email from T-Mobile?

Jan CarterScams, Uncategorized Leave a Comment

carterscorner400, YOU WON! Yeah, I was pretty excited. Since I’m a T-Mobile customer and I recognized the logo, I thought it was legit. But yeah…then I looked at the sender’s email address at the top: Say what? Yeah, nothing about T-Mobile in there!So then I did an internet search on T-Mobile scams. Yep, you guessed it. This is the …

How to know when an email is a scam.

Jan CarterScams, Uncategorized Leave a Comment

I don’t know about you but I get a ton of emails every day most of which are from senders I’ve never heard of. Occassionally I see a familiar name in their, like a friend. And occasionally I see one from a company with whom I do business, like Amazon. Or Journey’s, or even my bank. Don’t you just love …